A few days ago, I took you behind the scenes and showed you the two other book cover options that were in the running and why they got dropped. Now, it’s time to show you the cover we immediately fell in love with. You’ll also hear from my editor Sarah Billingsley and designer Lizzie Vaughn and their thoughts on the cover. When I saw the options for my book cover, this one immediately stood out. It’s simple, limes are also my favorite choice of citrus (most of my recipes feature limes in some capacity or another). When I photographed the limes, I wanted to get as close as possible to the fruit so you could almost imagine the fresh perfume of the limes, the bright taste of the citric acid, the texture of the fruit’s flesh, the cool and calming green color, and perhaps you might even think about the sound that is made when a lime is squeezed. So here it is, folks, the cover to my new book, The Flavor Equation: The Science of Great Cooking Learn more about The Flavor Equation We wanted an elegant title solution that wouldn’t distract from the photo. We landed on a lockup with an authoritative feel – left aligned, no-frills typography, within a white band. It gestures to an encyclopedia, but paired with the bright and graphic photo, it doesn’t feel too academic. The contrast works. Nik’s first book was a wonderful framework to build from. Here too, you’ll find more beautiful photographs and other elements carried over (like a typeface ironically called Tribute), but we’ve gone full-throttle including illustrations too. The finished package will be refreshing. You’ll want to sit down and experience the book as an object, as well as to cook from it!”

the flavor equation   cover reveal   The Flavor Equation   Nik Sharma Cooks - 52the flavor equation   cover reveal   The Flavor Equation   Nik Sharma Cooks - 44the flavor equation   cover reveal   The Flavor Equation   Nik Sharma Cooks - 96