Sweet corn is much loved in our home and in all forms especially charcoal roasted corn on the cob (butta) with a mixture of salt, chili powder and lemon juice sprinkled over it. Nehal is fond of creamy corn with pasta or corn fritters while Satish and I like to relish it in the form of a curry with roti or flavored rice. With a lot of fresh corn cobs sitting in my fridge, thanks to a dear friend, I went on a sweet corn binge for a couple days. Made bread pizza with sweet corn, steamed corn cobs, vegetable au gratin with corn being a star player, corn vadas with lots of coriander and sweet corn curry to go with peas pulao.

Sweet Corn Curry   Corn Recipes   Indian Vegetarian Dishes - 25Sweet Corn Curry   Corn Recipes   Indian Vegetarian Dishes - 42