Ordering ribs when you go for Chinese is an absolute must right? I’ve tried lots of ribs in lots of places, and I’ve made a fair few versions myself with pretty good results. Nothing ever compared to the ribs sold in a little Chinese restaurant in my home town of Southport though. Members of my family have been know to order ribs for their starter, then ribs for their main course at that place. If your face and hands weren’t covered in BBQ sauce by the end then….well I can’t actually tell you because that would never happen. Ling’s barbecued spare ribs were unbeatable. Or so I thought.

I’d been thinking about testing out a few different ways to cook ribs.

Dry rub first? Slow cook in the sauce? Slow roast then finished on the BBQ?

Then I started thinking about my favourite Sticky Chinese Pork Belly recipe and I realised that applying the same ingredients and technique might just work.  After all, the cuts of meat are pretty close in terms of location.  The ribs of course have bones, but surely that could only add to the flavour?

Yesss! They were perfect. The kind of perfect that makes you smile when your husband looks at you like he fell in love all over again, making constant ‘Mmmmmm’ sounds whilst he’s eating them. So perfect that the plan of only eating one each and cutting up the rest of the meat for another meal goes completely out of the window. The kind of perfect that finds you sticking your finger in the leftover sauce for another lick, because despite the fact you’ve already eaten dinner, that taste is just too good to go to waste. Sorry Ling.  Your ribs really are marvellous, but I’m now free of my occasional thoughts of making a 110 mile round-trip to come and get some. x

The Sticky, Slow-Cooked Pork Ribs Recipe:


Sticky  Slow Cooked Pork Ribs  - 81Sticky  Slow Cooked Pork Ribs  - 86Sticky  Slow Cooked Pork Ribs  - 4Sticky  Slow Cooked Pork Ribs  - 94Sticky  Slow Cooked Pork Ribs  - 93Sticky  Slow Cooked Pork Ribs  - 19