Pressure Cooker IKEA Swedish meatball noodle soup anyone? I have just made the most ridiculous dinner ever–that tastes good. Not everyday is beautiful food day. On the days when I’m tired, or when I’m inflamed from Rheumatoid Arthritis, I need something quick and easy. I don’t usually cook with packets of things but my son Alex does love the IKEA sauce mix–and let’s admit it, so do I. I knew it was possible to make the sauce in a pressure cooker, but I wasn’t quite sure of the proportions without burning the noodles. So I decided to follow the suggested proportions of 1:2 for noodles and water. And ended up with soup. Tasty, unusual, unexpected soup. I realized that busy parents with small kids, others with physical conditions that prevent them from standing up for too long, all of us could benefit from these “hardly a recipe” type of recipes, so I’m showing you how to make these. I also have other simple things, such as Sausages and Kale, Cabbage in a hurry, green beans with bacon etc meals that require little to no effort. If you struggle from arthritis like I do, check out my post on Kitchen Gadgets for Limited Hand Mobility! This Swedish meatball soup now joins their ranks.

How does it Taste?

My husband laughed when he saw it, but he ate two bowls and my picky eater is going after it. It’s a relatively bland, not spicy soup. You definitely need the salt and pepper. The taste of the nutmeg comes through the soup. I think this is great for days when you want something simple, not spicy, and comforting. I do think it’s an extremely kid friendly meal. EQUIPMENT & INGREDIENTS YOU MAY NEED TO MAKE NOW AND LATER KETO INDIAN BUTTER CHICKEN

Instant Pot Mini Duo or Instant Pot 6 quart or Instant Pot 8 Quart Measuring cups Measuring Spoons IKEA Frozen Swedish meatballs IKEA Cream sauce packet


Pour everything into your pressure cooker. 4mins HP, 10 mins NPR. Release pressure in bursts to avoid foaming. Pressure Cooker IKEA Swedish Meatballs Soup - 31Pressure Cooker IKEA Swedish Meatballs Soup - 70Pressure Cooker IKEA Swedish Meatballs Soup - 93Pressure Cooker IKEA Swedish Meatballs Soup - 13