Lewis has finally gone off peanut butter! After a couple of years of eating it pretty much every day, he’s finally decided he no longer wants it for breakfast. And I have FOUR jars of peanut butter in the cupboard! Fortunately, like me, he’ll still eat it in cakes and curries (like this Snickers cheesecake and this Thai-style peanut pork). It’s just the sandwich/toast topping that’s now banned.

So I’m looking into new ways to use up our stash, and this Peanut Butter and Jelly (or peanut butter and jam in my case, since I’m English) is the clear winner so far. Some of the jam is mixed into the cake mixture, and the rest is dolloped in the middle, so you have a nice puddle of it to spoon up with the cooked cake. Top it with a few chopped peanuts and you have a dessert that might just replace dinner (forget I said that, pretty much any dinner is going to be more nutritious than this sweet jar of naughtiness).

Now that Summer’s pretty much over, I really need to get out of the habit of eating sweet things like this so much!! Time to increase the exercise and reserve snacking and sweet treats for the weekends. Yep. I’ll definitely do that.

Once I’ve used up those jars of peanut butter…… If you like this mug cake, try my chocolate caramel mug cake too (includes a video):

The PB&J Mug Cake Recipe:


PB J Mug Cake   A super quick dessert for one   - 7PB J Mug Cake   A super quick dessert for one   - 63PB J Mug Cake   A super quick dessert for one   - 34PB J Mug Cake   A super quick dessert for one   - 22PB J Mug Cake   A super quick dessert for one   - 81PB J Mug Cake   A super quick dessert for one   - 84