*This image is available to buy from Stockfood Did I ever tell you how much I love chocolate for breakfast? If I didn’t, you may have worked it out already based on those pancakes with white chocolate, or maybe those Nutella Sweet rolls . Unlike the zillion calories and liberal sprinkling of sugar in those examples, today I’m presenting you with a healthy chocolate recipe. It can be done. Taking a break from the fruity smoothies in weeks one and two of my Hot Smoothie series, I went for something creamy, oaty, filling and delicious. Six simple ingredients (ok, 7 if you include the splash of water, but really? I’m ignoring that one) and you’ll be enjoying a warm healthy breakfast at just a little over 300 calories. So here’s what we’ve got in the Oaty Chocolate Hot Smoothie: Dark chocolate – the naughtiest ingredient of the recipe, but there’s only a bit, and think of all those flavonoids (?!) Rolled Oats – no you won’t be chewing these down, they’ll be blended in, to add thickness and flavour ½ a banana – almost went without this, but I found the smoothies needed a tiny bit of sweetness, and this was just enough

Almond milk and Almonds – hmmmm creaminess (and more nutrients!) Chia seeds – I sprinkle a spoonful of these into most smoothies. I can’t taste them, but I’m told they’re packed with antioxidants, minerals and other goodies. That’s it. It’s creamy without being cloying, it’s just a tiny bit sweet and it’s filling enough to satisfy the hunger after a long run (read: 2 mile walk/jog – but I’m trying!!) Just before I carry on with the Oaty Chocolate Hot Smoothie recipe, a reminder of the words of warning from my previous hot smoothie posts. Don’t fill your smoothie maker up with boiling liquid.  It’s either going to shatter the glass (if you have a glass jug) or it’s going to come wushing out with a tonne of pressure when you open the lid after whizzing things up.  Check your smoothie maker or blender can take warm or hot liquids.  This recipe calls for a little of the warm almond milk to be mixed with cold water before blending.  Then add the rest of the hot almond milk at the end. Also, check out the links below the recipe for the tools I used.

The Oaty Chocolate Hot Smoothie Recipe:

  Tools used (fyi these are affiliate links – which means if you buy the product I get a small commission (at no extra cost to you). If you do buy, then thank you! That’s what helps me to keep Kitchen Sanctuary running x) < p style=”text-align: center;”>Nutritional info obtained from caloriecount.about.com

Oaty Chocolate Hot Smoothie   Week 3 of my Hot Smoothie Saturday series for October  - 68Oaty Chocolate Hot Smoothie   Week 3 of my Hot Smoothie Saturday series for October  - 26Oaty Chocolate Hot Smoothie   Week 3 of my Hot Smoothie Saturday series for October  - 65Oaty Chocolate Hot Smoothie   Week 3 of my Hot Smoothie Saturday series for October  - 60