This post is sponsored by Schwartz. Oh how I love this lamb. Rich and juicy with a serious punch of herby garlic flavour – it’s a good idea to make double, just to make sure you have enough for lunch the next day! My two favourite ways to serve it:

Exactly as it comes – on a big tray with peppers and lemon roast potatoes. Place a big stash of canape sticks on the table too, so everyone can make their own mini kebabs. Wrapped up in soft flour tortillas, with a few salad leaves and a good drizzle of soured cream – it’s basically the best kebab you’re ever going to eat!

The lamb is marinated for an hour or two in a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil – which helps to tenderise the meat – plus garlic, salt, pepper, oregano and bay leaves. Don’t be concerned that the lamb starts to go a little pale during this time – that’s just the acidity in the lemon juice working its magic.

My kids wolfed this down and went back for seconds when we ate in front of the TV (naughty mummy) for movie night on Saturday. Chris was out having a couple of beers with his friends, so I saved him some, wrapped up in the tortilla I mentioned earlier. A million times better than a kebab from one of those dodgy takeaways that always seems so irresistible after a boys trip to the pub. Not only did the Greek lamb wrap get eaten, but also the whole extra bowl of leftovers that I was saving too!

The Marinated Greek Lamb with Lemon Roast Potatoes Recipe:

Marinated Greek Lamb with Lemon Roast Potatoes  - 50Marinated Greek Lamb with Lemon Roast Potatoes  - 17Marinated Greek Lamb with Lemon Roast Potatoes  - 86Marinated Greek Lamb with Lemon Roast Potatoes  - 5Marinated Greek Lamb with Lemon Roast Potatoes  - 53