We had another mango picking session yesterday of Suvarnarekha mangoes, a few of which were pickled and rest were left to ripen.

My fondest childhood memory is when we siblings and cousins spent the summer vacations at my grandparents home at our village, playing with carefree abandon, climbing mango trees, dangling precariously on branches trying to pluck that elusive mango and throwing stones aiming at the high rise mangoes, all this when the elders were taking an afternoon nap.:) As I take a moment to recapture the summer joys of laughter and innocence, the smell of cattle fodder and mangoes ripening, sights of coconut trees and bullock carts, the distant tinkling sounds of oxen’s bells and weekly village fairs (santa), I can’t help but marvel at the simplicity of life. Wasn’t life so simple those days? What are your fondest childhood summer vacation memories?