Lamingtons are petite sponge cakes coated in chocolate sauce/icing and then rolled in desiccated coconut (unsweetened). Classic Australian food at its best! These indulgent treats are also popularly known as ‘Coconut Squares”. Continuing on my Christmas baking spree, I decided on making Lamingtons with the butter cake I had prepared earlier. There was quite a bit of left over cake that I put to good use. Usually sponge or butter cake is used to prepare Lamingtons. The butter cake recipe I made earlier made for perfect Lamingtons since the the cake was firm on touch and not crumbly. Fresh cake tends to crumble or fall apart while making them. If using fresh cake, refrigerate the cake for sometime so that its easier to cut into neat small squares without crumbs. The authentic version of the Lamingtons calls for cutting stale (a few days old) sponge cake or a plain cake into small squares that are further cut into half, sandwiched with cream,jam or custard, coated in chocolate sauce and rolled in dried unsweeted coconut.