I’ve been a bit strawberry mad lately, so this is the last time you’ll see a hint of a strawberry for at least a week or two I promise! Besides, this isn’t actually a strawberry recipe.  This is my classic scone recipe.  Light and fluffy and packed with raisins, they really do taste fab with a nice cup of tea.

I made and photographed this recipe a couple of months ago for Craftberry Bush – Lucy Akin’s beautiful website that I’m thrilled to write for. Lucy is kindly allowing me to share any recipes that I write for her site on my blog too, so I couldn’t wait to get these yummy treats on here for you. Before we get into the recipe though, I’m interested to know how you pronounce scones.  Scones as in ‘ones’ or scones as in ‘cones’.  It’s an endless debate in our house, as I use the first pronunciation and Chris, pronounces it the second way.  Neither of us will ever back down, and our poor kids have even started using it as a tool to get brownie points (‘mummy I love your sc-ones, please may I have one?’ Or ‘Daddy, it’s definitely s-cones isn’t it.  Shall we watch Lego movie now?’). Of course that’s nothing to the age-old argument between Devon and Cornwall (the two southern UK counties that are most famous for selling the ‘cream tea’ as they call it).  The population of Devon firmly believes that the clotted cream should be spread on first, followed by the jam (jelly).  Whilst those from Cornwall go for jam first and then cream.  You can see from the pictures whose side I’m on. All of these arguments over a little cake (which you could actually argue is a sweet bread, rather than a cake…).

More Scone Recipes: Cranberry and Orange Scones Sourdough Scones And check our my Cakes and Treats category for more sweet treat inspiration!

The Fluffy Buttermilk Raisin Scones Recipe:


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