What could be better than beautifully browned chicken cooked with two-thirds of a bottle of wine? Oh I suppose there’s some other good stuff in there – like garlic, cream, mushrooms and pancetta.  But it’s the huge glug-after-glug of wine that makes this Coq au Riesling with Pappardelle and Greens meal what it is. And that’s flippin’ fantastic by the way. You can serve it with rice, mashed potatoes, roasties, pasta, or even just a nice wedge of bread. Today I went with pappardelle and a large helping of my favourite green veg – kale (I even use it in smoothies and have it for breakfast now!). My kids thoroughly enjoyed it too, and afterwards it occurred to me that the sheer amount of wine I put in may not have cooked off. Should I worry, and google it? or just be prepared with a couple of pints of water and the possibility of a full nights sleep…….. I googled it! Tsk. You though I was going to enjoy the peace and quiet didn’t you. It seems that most of the alcohol evaporates pretty quickly, so no danger of over-giddy kids, bouncing off walls before sleeping like a log – a lot like the time my dad accidently gave them a what looked like a regular bottle of orange juice that was actually orange juice with added caffeine!  Who wants caffeine in their juice? Blurgh!

Anyway, enough talk about my poor children being subjected to evaporated alcohol and caffeine.  Let’s get on with the recipe!

The Coq au Riesling with Pappardelle and Greens Recipe:


Coq au Riesling with Pappardelle and Greens  - 45Coq au Riesling with Pappardelle and Greens  - 18Coq au Riesling with Pappardelle and Greens  - 96