Vindaloo is a bright red spicy, vinegary dish I love eating with bread orrice. It benefits from some starch to balance the sourness of the dish and helpsop up all that delicious gravy. The word vindaloo comes from the Portuguese dishcarne de vinha d’alhos. When the Portuguese colonized Goa, they brought newingredients like chillies and vinegar that quickly became a part of the localculture and cuisine. Vindaloo is one of those dishes that arose during thattime. The high acidic vinegar conditions prevented the growth of harmfulbacteria, helped tenderize the pork, and increased the shelf life, especiallyfor those long journeys on the sea. Because we’re not using pork in this version, and since raw white meat, likechicken is much more sensitive to the effects of vinegar (unlike lactic acid inyogurt and other fermented dairies, the acetic acid in vinegar and citric acidin lemons and limes, is much harsher on the texture of raw meats duringmarination and cooking), I’ve cut back on the marination time. One more thing,unlike pork vindaloo, which is usually cooked a few weeks ahead of time andstored in the refrigerator, chicken vindaloo doesn’t. You can eat it on the dayoff or wait a day before eating it. 5 from 1 review 15 whole Kashmiri chillies  12 whole cloves 10 to 12 garlic cloves/total weight about 30 to 35 g 2 in/5 cm piece fresh ginger, peeled and diced 1 in/2.5 cm cinnamon stick 1 tsp whole black peppercorns ½ tsp ground cumin ¾ cup/180 ml malt or apple cider vinegar ½ cup/120 ml water 1 tsp ground turmeric 3 Tbsp/45 ml neutral oil, such as grapeseed 2 large red onions/total weight about 800 g, diced Fine sea salt 1 tsp sugar You’re the best! Thom I’m used to seeing a bunch of black cardamom pods I have a question about Kashmiri chilis. The ones that I get a a little hotter than jalapeno peppers, but they are a lot milder than habanero peppers. I get mine from Indian Diaspora Spice Co. They source their spices from small Indian farms that use traditional methods. They have a note saying that many people know Kashmiri chilis as mild, but that is because merchants without access to Kashmiri chilis substitute others. The ones that I get have a lot of complexity in addition to the heat. What are your thoughts on this?

Are you sure about the amount of liquid (vinegar + water) for the marinade? I just made it and it came out much more watery than a paste. Thanks, Vazheh Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.


Chicken Vindaloo   Indian At Home   Nik Sharma Cooks - 10Chicken Vindaloo   Indian At Home   Nik Sharma Cooks - 95Chicken Vindaloo   Indian At Home   Nik Sharma Cooks - 29Chicken Vindaloo   Indian At Home   Nik Sharma Cooks - 70