“Appreciation according to the dictionary 1. Recognition of the quality, value, significance, or magnitude of people and things. 2. A judgment or opinion, especially a favorable one. 3. An expression of gratitude. 4. Awareness or delicate perception, especially of aesthetic qualities or values. Lets spend today doing a few random acts of kindness and encouragement for our fellow bloggers. I’m not writing this in the hope of getting more emails myself (I’ve got my share for today already) – but instead want to encourage you to take a moment to email another blogger and to thank them for something that you’ve appreciated about what they’ve done lately. In a sense it’s a ‘Pay it Forward’ exercise. We’re in it together, blogging is about collaboration and together going further than we can by ourselves – so why not help another blogger today by shooting them a word of encouragement, a pep talk, a congratulations, an idea to help them improve or some other positive constructive message. Better still, do it publicly on your blog and tell the world about another blogger who you appreciate.” Basically today we can take a moment to encourage bloggers for their efforts by saying a ‘Thank You’ and tell them how much their work is appreciated via comments, emails or even posting on your own blog. I want to utilize this opportunity to appreciate all my food blogger friends and colleagues for your sincere selfless efforts in sharing family recipes, food photos, hosting wonderful food events, raising funds for worthy causes and inspiring writing. In other words, putting your soul into food blogging. All through the ups and downs of blogging life, whenever I felt low, stressed out and uninspired, its my blogging colleagues who made a positive impact with their ever inspiring work, sense of community and strong camaraderie. Thank you, dear blogger friends, for being a major source of inspiration to me and for supporting me always by your appreciative comments, constructive feedback and link love. My best wishes to each and every blogger colleague and friend. And Happy Vishu! -:)