With tart apples, nutty manchego, and a cider vinaigrette, this autumn arugula salad hits all the right taste buttons.

All I can tell you about this arugula salad is that I made half the recipe the other day to photograph it for Serious Eats and I ate the entire thing standing at my kitchen counter at 10:30 AM. Definitely not my proudest moment but delicious nonetheless!

Per serving (4 servings) Calories: 391 Fat: 35 g Saturated fat: 7 g Carbohydrates: 14 g Sugar: 9 g Fiber: 3 g Protein: 9 Sodium: 356 mg Cholesterol: 26 mg

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Arugula  Apples   Manchego in Cider Vinaigrette - 83Arugula  Apples   Manchego in Cider Vinaigrette - 2Arugula  Apples   Manchego in Cider Vinaigrette - 70Arugula  Apples   Manchego in Cider Vinaigrette - 87